Counting Flowers on the wall

This is an old Statler brothers remake. Not a huge country guy, but this is a great song:

Its full on spring here. Weather is gorgeous. Looking forward to riding again hard soon. Still waiting for some things to line up that have been in motion for over a year now, and they’re really really close. I should know something next week. When they do, I’m moving the family to phoenix. For a lot of reasons. First, to be honest…. is to ride year round. 2nd, I’ve ridden everything, and I mean everything within 200 miles of here, and everything within interest of 500 miles of here. I need new roads. 3rd, to start over. I’m ready to rebuild and start some new things elsewhere. I like the challenge, and i’ve been here a long time. I think like the allman brothers song, I was born a ramblin man. It’s why my dad named me mr zip. I get bored pretty easy. 4th, I’m sick of utah. It’s great if you’re a mormon, but I’m not and its offered all its going to offer me.

I reflect on the last couple of years. Its been tough. Definitely a refiners fire. Everything has changed, and to be honest, the long continuous pressure of an entrepreneur got to me. I burned a few bridges, got a bit crazy and drank too much. I finally hit bottom and had to get my head right. I mention this, to be done with it, because I am done with it. I am poorer than I’ve been in years right now, but I have a helluva good life. I have some crazy ideas, a family that is behind me and is healthy, and my soul is strong. All i know, is I can handle a lot of shit…. shit that noone will ever fully understand but me. Thats how it should be.

I will tell you one thing i’ve been pretty proud of as of late…

This past year my 16 year old daughter has struggled with Anorexia. Its a pretty complex and scary disorder that had MrsZip and I up long nights. After all the doctors, therapists, school councilors and nutritionists, she pulled HERSELF out of it. She’s got the Dunn toughness, of which I’m very proud of. Its a mind fuck of a disorder. If you think you can force your teenager to eat, you’re a better man than me, because you cant. She was down to 70 pounds and was passing out several times a day. Scary shit to see happening to the little girl you love.

Anyway, she’s gained her weight back, turned full vegan on me, and exercising daily, doing yoga and ive never seen her so happy.

bla bla bla, back to motorcycling. Hopefully my next post is from the road.

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