It's time for sanity to be in charge for a while

It’s funny. I’ve voted since I was able to vote, and I’ve seen how society changes. I’m also a student of history, and seen how society reacts to things before I was born. People, it turns out… are funny.

I barely went to college. I went, mainly to chase tail, and it was the best decision I ever made: I met my wife there. One of my favorite classes, however was sociology. The study of people. I think some of the lessons stuck.

What I got out of that class has somehow stayed with me: Individuals are sane; Get them in a group, and they react differently. Man, how true is that.

I’ve kept my eye on things over the years. America has gone in waves of sanity, and waves of insanity. The pendulum has always swung. The insane has always brought out new ideas, the sane has always brought us back to center.

I may not be making any sense here: Let me try and clarify.

Liberals are fucking nut jobs, but they have good ideas now and again. You just have to pick the pony out of the pile of shit. Conservatives, are all very sane, but they don’t think out of the box.

We need like an 80/20 mix. The crazies to move us ahead, but the sane make things actually work. I’m not entirely sure humanity can make that balance…. someday, maybe.

Let me back up even further: I’m a trump man. I think he’s the right guy, for the right time. He reminds me a lot of Reagan, but on steroids. He’s got the country moving in the right direction. I have so much to say about this subject, but I’m not going to bore you with what I think. We needed a radical guy, to get back to center, basically. I was fan 5 years ago, before he became president. I was right about him.

To me, its all about freedom. You can gloss that over all you want, but freedom is what makes us all tick. Not just the US, but humanity. I’m a constitution guy; put up the right system, and sane people with thrive. We’re living in a great time right now; everything is at our fingertips, and there is opportunity everywhere. I love it. All you can ever ask for is opportunity.


I’m going to shut up, and get off my soapbox. Just some thoughts from a guy in his garage, dreaming about where he can go in life.

3 thoughts on “It's time for sanity to be in charge for a while”

  1. Wise words, Mr Dunn (viewed from 5000 miles away). We’ve got our very own rad man here now. Thought you were going for a ride today?

  2. Right on Zip! Now, if we can just get the press straightened out, everyone would hear the truth about our “best since Lincoln” President Trump.

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